British Council.
Bringing graduate employability to a new stage.
The British Council in Azerbaijan was looking for a UK higher education partner to host visitors from Azerbaijan and arrange a training programme on graduate employability. After a competitive selection process, Gradcore was selected.
In October 2019, the British Council in Azerbaijan hosted a conference bringing together 150 higher education institutions and business representatives. Gradcore took to the stage to share how partnerships between universities and employers can benefit everyone. We were then selected to host to host visitors from Azerbaijan and arrange a training programme on graduate employability.
We immediately set to work preparing a four-day programme. The agenda included presentations on graduate employability practices, site visits to business partners and institutions, and knowledge-share forums. All drawing on the experience and successes of several higher education institutions and companies from the UK and Azerbaijan.
On top of delivering and speaking at the event, Gradcore hosted higher education representatives from Azerbaijan in the UK. These visits were the next stage in sharing graduate employability best practices and the UK’s sector expertise.
As our relationship continues to grow, we’ve delivered a Creative Spark programme in Azerbaijan with the State University of Culture and Arts, and are currently exploring how to bring more examples of UK university-business partnerships to life in Azerbaijan.

“Gradcore are great to work with. The team are lovely, they went the extra mile to provide an excellent programme for the delegation. They made us feel at home and very welcome.”Nigar Baimova, Deputy Director and Director of Programmes, British Council in Azerbaijan
delegates reached in four days.