Pick your path

Our products are all designed to be flexible.

We do this so we can meet the specific needs of whoever we’re helping, shaping our service to their ambitions. It’s about putting the right experts and products together to define the right journey.

Explore what we have to offer and see how we can help you.

Virtual Assessments

Gradcore have been working with digital and online assessments for more than a decade, and have experience in both creating online experiences and digitising offline assessments for the online environment.

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V i r t u a l


Our immersive assessment centre experience.

PREP is our immersive assessment centre experience. It’s designed to replicate the graduate recruitment journey, providing developmental feedback that can help increase employability levels and integrate with the curriculum. The experience is available as a one-off, or at the start and end of an academic year to help measure progress.

Bespoke assessments can be created for your institution and shaped specifically to your particular curriculum model or graduate attributes. We can also aggregate our reporting to understand your common developmental areas and attitudes towards employability – so you see the bigger picture.

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Safety Net

Our targeted graduate job support package for cohorts of under and unemployed graduates from your University, put into action between graduation and the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) collection.

Safety Net sees us directly support a targeted cohort of your graduates – often from an under-represented background – into graduate-level employment.

The graduates are coached by our team of experienced recruiters and HR professionals. We shape a tailored support package, informed by their needs, to get them moving towards a graduate-level job.

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S a f e t y


We offer Employability Healthchecks for universities and Early Talent Healthchecks for employers.

Both are designed to provide an independent review of existing practices and provide action-oriented recommendations to improve current performance and ensure the employer or university is offering and delivering the right approach for their organisational needs.

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H e a l t h c h e c k s

HE Consultancy

Our Consultants can provide expert help in almost any area of graduate employability or early talent.

This support can include some of our other products, or be a bespoke service such as developing a new employability strategy, designing a new Graduate Attributes framework, advising on embedding employability in the curriculum or supporting the recruitment and development of new staff – to name but a few.

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The Gradcore Employability Risk Model (GERM).

GERM uses a unique algorithm, developed over the last 5 years, to index entire student cohorts with the aim of identifying and understanding which students are most at risk of under or unemployment. This predictive data model uses more than 50 internal and external data points to create an individual risk score for each student. This empowers universities to target support more effectively and efficiently.

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