Privacy Policy


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Our website uses persistent analytical cookies from Google to track the number of unique visitors to the site and how users move around the pages. These cookies also collect data on in which countries users are located and from what type of device they are accessing the site. Your IP address and which browser you use are transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the US for these purposes to ensure quality of service and generate usage statistics. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. For more information on how Google uses information from sites using Google Analytics, see their privacy policy.

Gradcore Privacy Notice
This privacy notice tells you about the information we collect from you when you engage with one of our websites or services. In collecting this information, we are acting as a data controller and, by law, we are required to provide you with information about us, about why and how we use your data, and about the rights you have over your data.

Changes to data protection law
On 25th of May 2018, your personal data will be processed by us in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Who are we?
We are Gradcore Ltd. Our main address is:
30 Brown Street

M2 1DH

You can contact us by post at the above address, or via email at or by telephone on +44 0203 8861830

What personal data do we collect?
We request certain personal information from you in order for us to assist you in providing information relating to our services, careers advice and support, job opportunities, and other related services. This information may include personal contact details such as email address and telephone number so that we can contact you. It may also include CVs and personal contact details should you subscribe to our graduate coaching services or apply for a position at our organisation.

Personal data request may also contain “special category data” as defined in the GDPR. This may include racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation and health (ie. whether you are registered disabled). You can decide whether you wish to share this information with us. Not sharing this information does not prevent you from registering or using our services.

We also on occasion may request information related to social mobility which may be required by your university or by an employer for a job opportunity.

Through the use of cookies and other similar technology we may record your interaction with our websites and systems to help improve the delivery of our services. In addition, as part of our security measures we may also record the IP address from which you are engaging with us.

Where else may we get data from?

Associated partners

For our graduate coaching services we sometimes obtain personal data from third parties such as your university, our client or funding provider as well as employers, graduate coaches. In such circumstances, we are reliant on the third-party supplier’s assurances that they have the appropriate legal basis for processing and transferring this data. We record the source of this data so you can ask us at any time from where we got your personal details and object to the processing should you believe your data was inappropriately transferred.

Why do we collect this information?
We collect information about you in order to provide you with the best careers advice possible from our coaches tailored to your specific preferences or experience. The information is also necessary for us and employers to match you against any opportunities that they have.
In addition, we sometimes use the anonymous personal data (ie. with all personal identifiers removed) for the purposes of research, industry trend reporting and for our own planning purposes and future developments.

Where is my information stored?
Your information is either stored in the databases for our websites or other systems, all of which are based within the European Union (specifically the UK).

What do we do with your information?
The personal information you provide helps us to offer more tailored advice and opportunities depending on your preferences. Our aim is to provide you with only content relevant to you. This includes information on our services, news and blogs, careers advice and job opportunities, information about our events that may be sent to you via email or other means (where you have provided the appropriate information). You may unsubscribe to these emails or change your profile information at any time either via the site or through the link provided at the bottom of each email.

To be more specific your information may be used in one or more of the following ways:

  • To communicate with you in the delivery of our services.
  • To contact you directly about your interest in attending a Gradcore event
  • To contact you directly about an employment opportunity at Gradcore
  • To contact you directly about an associate/project opportunity at Gradcore
  • To notify you of any changes to terms and conditions or policy changes.
  • To help us improve our services and its delivery to you.
  • To conduct market research activities.
  • To provide you with relevant careers advice relevant to you.
  • To carry out our obligations in relation to any contracts between you and Gradcore.
  • To allow you to better engage with the interactive and personalised services on our websites and systems.
  • In an aggregated and anonymised form, use the data to plan new products, manage our relationship with our clients, and improve existing products.
  • To facilitate any social media sharing functionality and authentication.
  • To resolve complaints and data access requests in accordance with data protection law.
  • For the facilitation of any legal obligations or defend any court actions that we may have.

Who we might share your data with?

Our service providers

For the purposes of sending emails and maintaining engagement information we will maintain a secure copy of your personal data with our service partners whom provide the facilities to email users based on their preference criteria and track engagement. Access to this data is strictly controlled and we remain the data controller.

Employers and Graduate Coaches
In addition, the CVs and personal information you submit directly to us may be accessible by our Graduate Coaching team to provide you with personal and tailored careers advice and support (should you have registered for this service).

Your profile details (with the exception of any special categories of personal data as defined by Article 9 of the GDPR) including contact information will also be supplied to employers if you have applied for a job through Employers should only contact you with respect of that particular role in each instance, and you have the right to request that the Employer stop contacting you by getting in touch with them directly.

Your university
If you have registered for our graduate coaching services which is a service we are carrying out on behalf of your university, we may share your information with them subject to your consent. If you have taken part in an assessment event which we have delivered on behalf of your university, we may share your information and assessment scores with the university subject to your consent.

Government, legal or regulatory authorities
Gradcore may be required to share your personal information with certain public or legal authorities where there is a legislative obligation to do so.

Automated processing and profiling
We use the information you provide to make automated decisions solely in the capacity of delivering you content based on your stated preferences. Personal data may be matched against potential vacancies in order to provide relevance to the content and information we provide you. However, you have at all times access to all available vacancies and may change your preferences to amend what content or vacancies are filtered.

There are no automated decision-making processes that would impact you as a result of any automated processing. No judgements or decisions are made of an individual’s suitability for a particular role as a result of any processing that may take place.

Legal basis for processing your data
The legal basis for processing under the GDPR across our sites are outlined below:

Data category: Profile and CV data for graduates registering for our services (jobsboard, coaching etc)
Description: Personal data that is held on our websites, and graduate support sign up form
Legal basis: Contractual necessity (Article 6(1)(b)), legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f)) and consent Article 6(1)(a)

Data category: Employer-related personal details
These are contact details associated with a person that has been supplied as part of a vacancy
Legal basis:
Contractual necessity (Article 6(1)(b)), legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) and legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f))

Data category: Personal details from events and competitions
Description: Information that has been supplied in relation to a specific event or competition that is held independently from any other location similar or identical data is stored or transferred
Legal basis: Contractual necessity (Article 6(1)(b)), legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f)) and consent Article 6(1)(a)

Data category: Personal data from video interviews and in-person assessment events and online events eg. virtual assessment event
Description: Information that has been supplied when participating in a video interview or assessment event (in-person or online),
Legal basis: Contractual necessity (Article 6(1)(b)), legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f)) and consent Article 6(1)(a)

On occasion, we may process your data on the basis of consent (such as sensitive data), or the sending of promotional or marketing material not related to careers, job opportunities, or employer-sponsored events and competitions.

It may be necessary for Gradcore to process your data in order to fulfil a contract with you such as sending your CV to an employer or recruitment consultant for a particular role you have applied for or are interested in or to assist you in your personalised careers support. We also may need to process your data if you are an employer or university for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations to you in the delivery of a service.

Legitimate interest
Gradcore may also process your data when it is in our legitimate interest to do so and in doing so it does not override any of your data protection rights. Our legitimate interests include:

  • ensuring the security and integrity of our services and ensuring that our systems such as websites and systems work properly.
  • selling and supplying services to our clients.
  • protecting clients, employees and other individuals (including yourself) and maintaining their safety, health and welfare.
  • the promotion, marketing and advertising our products and services.
    sending promotional communications tailored to your preferences from our clients in relation to your career.
  • understanding our clients and your behaviour, activities, preferences, and needs to deliver a better quality and custom experience.
  • improving existing products and services and developing new products and services.
  • the handling client and your contacts, queries, complaints or disputes; and
  • fulfilling our duties to our clients, yourself, colleagues, shareholders and other stakeholders.

You have the right to object to the processing of your data under legitimate interest should you feel that such legal basis is not warranted or feel that it overrides any of the rights that you may have.

How long do we keep your information for?

Data category: Profile and CV data for Gradcore sites aimed at graduates, including any psychometric testing details and results held by our processing partners

Period: For 5 years after you provided us with the information

Data category: Video interview submissions and scores, In-person and online assessment event recordings and scores (eg.virtual assessment centres)
Period: For 2 years after you participated in the event/service.

Data category: Employer-related personal details
Period: For the length of our relationship with you plus 6 years (Limitation Act (1980) in case the case where there may be a dispute. Some information may be required to be retained longer due to legal obligations (eg. HRMC).

Data category: Personal details from events
Period: For the length of the particular event or plus 4 years.

Your rights over your information
By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate.
You can also ask us to give you a copy of the information and to stop using your information for a period of time if you believe we are not doing so lawfully.
To submit a request by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided above.
In addition to the above you have the following rights under GDPR:

  • The right to ask what personal data is held
  • The right to ask to update and correct any out of date or incorrect personal data that we hold free of charge.
  • The right to erasure of personal data where consent is the only legal basis for processing and that consent has been withdrawn.
  • The right to data portability in the sense that personal data provided directly by the data subject is exportable in an open format like CSV where the legal basis for processing is based on either contract or consent.
  • The right to restrict or object to the processing of your personal data where:
    • You contest the accuracy of the personal data and the accuracy needs to be verified.
    • You object to the processing under legitimate interest grounds and consideration needs to be made whether Gradcore’s legitimate interest overrides that of the individuals.
    • The processing was unlawful, and you request restricted processing over erasure.

You can withdraw consent at any time where consent has been relied upon. If consent is the sole legal basis for processing, we will stop processing the data after the consent is withdrawn. The data will then be placed in a restricted processing mode until you have asked to exercise your right to erasure, or the personal data falls outside stated retention period (whichever comes first).

Our communications with you
We will periodically communicate with you by email, post, telephone or device notifications for the purposes of delivering our services to you. The legal purpose for which is under the legitimate interest provision under both GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).

However, should you be concerned about the content of these communications (such as unwanted marketing communications or simply want to change the way we communicate with you please log into your profile on the relevant website and change your preferences, or use the relevant unsubscribe link. Alternatively, you can contact us by telephone or letter at the details provided above.

Changes to this privacy notice
From time to time we may need to make changes to this notice. We will attempt to inform you of any changes that are made either through both email notifications or through associated websites. This privacy notice was last updated on the 1st February 2020.

Your right to complain
If you have a complaint about our use of your information you can do so with the relevant supervisory authority within the EU to which you are a resident, who may refer the complaint to the UK supervisory authority.

Complaints in the UK can be made to the Information Commissioner’s Office via their website at or write to them at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane