C i t y

City Wide Graduate Schemes

Keeping local talent local.

A City Wide Graduate Scheme connects graduates with local industry, keeping potential and talent in the area. This helps to boost the local economy and gives local businesses access to the skilled, passionate, driven graduates who can move their organisations forward.

Good for the city

By encouraging graduates to stay in the area, the local economy is boosted and inward investment increases. On top of this, connections between businesses, universities and local government become stronger and more symbiotic.

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Good for the graduate

The Scheme helps graduates to become work-ready and provides faster access to meaningful employment. This, in turn, means universities see an improved number of graduates make the successful leap from student to employee soon after graduation.

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Good for business

Local businesses gain access to the keenest, skilled talent, bringing with them an innovative and collaborative approach that can drive long-term success. It futureproofs their business and avoids stagnation.

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For every £1 invested, RISE Sheffield has returned £5 to the city’s economy.
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